Happy New Year !!

gue gatau harus merasa kyk gmna skrg, seneng ada, ngenes-nya juga ada, tp sedihnya jg ada. Harapannya sih bisa ngerayain tahun baruan sama THE SAILOR secara full team, tp ternyata setengahnya aja kaga. Awalnya sih iya, tp trnyata gugur satu persatu, gue tau sebenernya mereka psti pny acara masing" jd mreka datang dulu ke tkp cuma buat absen doang.

Oke deh itu emg hak mereka buat pny acara sndiri dgn org terdekat mereka, tp jelas gue kasian sama tuan rumahnya. Dia udh susah" bkin acara gt tp trnyata umatnya pada prg gajes gt, alhasil karena acaranya mungkin bisa dibilang separuh gagal kita capcus deh pindah lokasi.

Dan ternyata di lokasi yg baru tambah gajes pula.
Saat kita datang, salah satu anggota THE SAILOR trnyata sdg nangkring diatas loteng karena keasyikan nonton kembang api, tapi kasian dia sdg galau karena nonton kembang apinya cuma sendirian, tapi setelah kami datang keliatan galaunya berkurang, dikiit....

Lalu acaranya ternyata nambah gajes !
ada yg bergossip ria, ada yg membuat forum dalam forum, malah ada jg yg bulak balik wc. Tiba" terlintas dalam pikiran gue buat sesuatu yg agak jahil, si temen gue kan ada yg pny hubungan masa lalu dgn si anggota THE SAILOR yg paling riweuh, suka buang angin dimana aja, dan yg paling parah tuh kalo ngomong suka "bagi-bagi rezeki", nah si cewe itu gue suruh nemenin temen gue sementara gue prg nyari toserba didepan, alhasil kesenengan tuh si temen guenya.

tapi "event" utamanya ternyata bukan itu !
sesampainya gue kembali dr toserba, ga lama kemudian datang kecengan abadi gue, sebut saja Ivy. Dia datang ke tkp barengan sama seseorang, gue pikir yaa itu temennya, sebut aja namanya Patricio, but its different !

gatau ini yg namanya feeling seorang yg melankolis ato apa, tp gue yakin mereka punya hubungan yg lebih !
okelah kalo si Patricio itu org yg lebih segalanya dr gue, gue rela, tapi gue rasa dia cuma menang dalam hal materi doang.
oke akhirnya bertambah satu lagi penilaian gue buat Ivy, tapi gue jg bersyukur banget bisa ngumpul ngerayain taun baruan sama Ivy dan seluruh anggota THE SAILOR lainnya ^_^

and finally we're home tanpa ada sesuatu yg bisa diabadikan malam ini, but after all i'm happy today !


Dream chronicles 2 - The Eternal Maze

Nah utk postingan hari ini gue mau sharing sebuah game house yg menurut gue cukup worthy untuk dimainin. Knp ? karena game ini cukup menguras otak bagi orang awam yg jarang memainkan game bergenre adventure and puzzle ini.

skrinsyut menyusul ya :p

Download : Dream chronicles 2 - The Eternal Maze (Mediafire)

kalo linknya rusak ato ada yg error komen aja yaa ^_^

Hope ...

Harapan, yaa karena hal itulah banyak orang yg sakit hati, putus asa, galau, emosi ato bahkan ada yg jadi bosen hidup. Menurut gue mereka jd begitu karena salah mengartikan apa itu harapan ? bagaimana cara mendapatkannya ? ato bahkan bagaimana cara menggunakannya ?

Oleh karena itu kita ambil beberapa kasus dlm kehidupan sehari" gue.
ada salah satu contohnya, salah seorang temen gue, sebut saja Carla. Dia itu salah satu korban dari yg namanya harapan (meskipun sebernarnya gue jg salah satu korbannya). Oke lanjut, karena salah seorang lelaki, sebut saja Carlos, si carla itu jd galau sampe skrg.

Karena terlalu berharap lebih akan cinta si Carlos sih klo menurut gue, jadi dia galau terus sampe skrg, but thats life, everything must begin with hope, kalo gada harapan gkan ada niat dari diri kita sendiri untuk menggapai apa yg kita pengen. Kalo gada harapan kita bakalan putus asa duluan sebelum mencoba, selanjutnya tinggal kita sendiri yg berpikir bagaimana cara mengartikan harapan itu dan bagaimana agar tidak terlarut didalamnya.

oke, contoh lain deh, nah kali ini masalah yg gue rasain sendiri, tp karena masalah inilah gue jd bisa berpikir lebih dewasa, lebih menikmati hidup, and always stay cool !

Dulu waktu gue msh duduk di bangku SMA, waktu gue msh jd anak remaja yg ababil, waktu gue masih dalam keadaan alay yg sangat parah, dan mungkin jg kalo ga salah saat itu gue msh belum bisa buang air lurus (kalo ga salah ini juga yah).

Taulah yg namanya putus cinta, sakit hati gimana gt pastinya, nah waktu itu gue sdg ngegalau di kopsis (padahal sih mabal pelajaran kalo ga salah), biasalah ngegodain teteh penjaganya, sambil sekali sekali ngeceng cewe yg berceceran disana, and then something terrible happen !

Seorang cewe dateng sambil ngegandeng temennya dengan riweuh, tau kan riweuh ? riweuh itu bahasa sundanya buat hiperaktif, spekta, ato apapunlah yg org alay bilang. Nah gue kaga tertarik sama cewe riweuh itu, tp gue tertarik sama temennya yang mirip sama putri solo sih menurut gue, kalo artis indo sih mirip Louis Anastasia kalo ga salah.

Nah itulah saat dimana gue menaruh harapan besar padanya, gue bicara dalam hati bahwa tu cewe yg bakal jadi pendamping hidup gue kelak. Soo pada akhirnya gue kejar tu cewe dan tau siapa namanya, nmr hpnya, nmr telpon rmhnya, alamat rumahnya, yah yg gue gatau mungkin cuma 3 sizenya dia aja kali yah (pada ngerti kaan ?).

Tapi ternyata harapan gue emg terlalu tinggi, berkali kali cobaan datang menghadang, mulai dari gue yg ditolak sampe 5x dan ternyata dia jadian sama temen sekelas gue, tp hubungan mereka ga bertahan lama. Gue denger" sih mereka bisa jadian karena si cowonya taruhan ato gimana gt deh kaga ngerti gue jg, but i realize that is what make me have strong heart like now !

Maaf mungkin agak gajes apa yg jd postingan gue malem ini, tp mungkin bisa membuka pemikiran kita agar bisa berpikir lebih luas dan dapat mengartikan apa itu harapan yg sebenarnya.

And like all others my night, there's a woman who always encourage, support, and keep me in touch.



Antara galau dan keseleo ....

mungkin emg hari ini udh bagian dr rangkaian hari terburuk sepanjang hidup gue yah ?

semua itu gara" hujan yg bikin segalanya kacau !
planning buat sehari penuh jd berantakan, tp yg paling aneh itu knp tangan gue yg keseleo itu ibarat alergi, kalo pagi" yaah mungkin agak pegel trus wktu gue mau melakukan aktifitas yg rada ekstrim malah nambah sakit -___-
nah anehnya itu si tangan gue yg keseleo ga pernah kerasa sakit kalo sdg maen sama si Ultima (pc kesayangan gue), ato pas buang air, dan yg paling aneh itu kalo liat BREW

BREW itu bahasa gawl khas gue untuk cewek cantik dipinggir jalan ato di deket tong sampah ato yg suka berserakan dikampus gue. Karena temen" gue itu ada beberapa yg agak *riweuh dan jg sdg mengalami tingkat kealayan yg akut (yg kata bang dika ini salah satu bagian dr proses pendewasaan ) yaaa lalu dgn refleks gue dapet wangsit dgn kata itu, nah skrg gue dkk selalu make kata itu biar temen gue yg satu itu kagak malu"in temen" gue yg lain dan jg agar kita selalu dilihat sebagai kawanan mahasiwa yg macho tentunya.

oke stop OOT and back to topic !
yah mungkin semenjak tangan gue ini cedera, gue jd semakin galau, bawaannye pengen ngadem dikamar terus, dan akhirnya niatan buat blogging muncul kembali.
Dulu gue sempet berhenti jd blogger cz i always had a bad dream 'bout my G-strings (jgn ngeres dulu woys ! thats what i called my precious woman in my past).

Nah skrg mungkin gue bakalan banyak nyampah diblog ini, mulai dari kisah kegalauan gue yg tiada akhir bagaikan Panglima Tien Feng yang asalnya ganteng nan rupawan brubah jd siluman babi yg dikasih nama Chu Pat Kay oleh Biksu Tong karena naluri lelakinya itu.

Gue tau kalo Pat Kay itu sebetulnya ga seburuk rupanya, karena didalam dirinya terdapat sisi yg melankolis kyk gue ini. Setiap cewek pasti jatuh hati kalo tau bahwa seseorang yg melankolis itu setia, berbeda dengan lelaki yg sudah mendapat gelar SKILLER tentunya.

Mungkin gue itu ibarat Chu Pat Kay yg melankolis tp berada dalam kehidupan seorang peter parker yg galau seperti di postingan gue sblumnya, tp khusus utk gue, gue sudah memutuskan utk lebih memilih menjadi super hero !

Jadi gue minta maaf buat seseorang udh mendampingi gue dlm skitaran 2 bulan kebelakang, bukannya mau bikin sakit hati ato gmna, tp gue trnyata lebih nyaman berada dlm sbuah organisasi, komunitas, dan jg ekosistem yg lbh produktif, dan untuk itu hrs ada yg dikorbanin. I'm sorry ladies :'(

and for the last, thank u for the ladies who always encourage me



i'm back guys !

Yah setelah sekian lama berdunia maya ria akhirnya gue kembali jg, i'm back guys !

setelah lama hiatus dr dunia perblogan skrg gue mencoba utk sedikit menuliskan beberapa pengalaman yang membuat gue jd mendapat tekanan batin yg dahyat !

mulai dr kesibukan gue sbg mahasiwa yg memperoleh bnyk tuntutan dr berbagai macam pihak, dan itu pula yg menyebabkan gue streeeesss kagak karuan.

pengen mencoba hidup sendiri, ato malah cuma hidup didunia maya yg terasa kaga masalah sama sekali.

nah skrg itu hidup gue ibarat film spidermen 2, saat peter-nye sdg galau antara menjadi mahasiwa yg baik ato lbh mentingin MJ ato lebih milih tanggung jawab dia sbg spidermen, meski kliatannya ending di film itu cukup happy endinglah menurut gue, tp gue yakin sampe film spidermen 3 diputer si abang peter psti masih galau !

kagak tau deh gmna dia ngobatin galaunya, mngkin konsul lsg sma sutradaranya ato malah sama om steven spielberg sekalian, kyknya gue hrs ngikutin cara dia deh biar bisa ga galau lg.

tp yang jelas skrg gue pngen sendiri deh, pasti bahagia klo gue bisa hidup bebas dan aktif dlm aktivitas yg produktif sprti dulu lg, tp yaah apa boleh dikata, msh tetep ada tekanan masalah hubungan yg gue rasa udh mulai memudar dan lbh baik cepet gue selesein msalahnya, lebih cepat lebih baik tentunya, so pray for me guys !

and the fact is i want to be alone, and does't tied to somebody !
its just me, my friend and my lovely personal computer !


Why is Firefox so popular?

A myriad of reasons explain why Firefox is becoming increasingly more popular:

RSS reader-Firefox has a built-in RSS reader which allows users to stay up to date with the content of their favourite blogs and Websites;

Better security-Firefox has proven more secure than Internet Explorer for a few reasons, but primarily because the majority of hackers prefer to target the most commonly used browser, namely Internet Explorer;

Integrated search bar-Firefox users have quick and easy access to their favourite search engines such as Google and Yahoo;

Customizable-Unlike most browsers, Firefox allows numerous options to personalize both its appearance and functionalities;

Find as you type-Firefox automatically highlights the first result of a search as you start to type it. If you frequently search the content of Web pages, this feature can save you quite a bit of time;

Tabbed browsing-Arguably one of the most important reasons behind Firefox's popularity is that it offers tabbed browsing. In other words, you can navigate several sites in a single page as well as drag and drop tabs to keep sites together;

Firefox Extensions

Another key advantage of using Firefox is that it allows the use of numerous extensions. If you are not familiar with extensions, they are add-ons that provide the browser with new functionalities. There are literally hundreds of extensions, but here are a few well-known and popular ones to illustrate the numerous possibilities that Firefox extensions have to offer (for a complete list check out https://addons.mozilla.org/):

No Script-Makes your browser more secure by allowing JavaScript, Java and other executable content only for trusted domains of your choice, e.g. your home-banking web site;

Video Downloader-Allows users to download videos from Youtube, Google, Metacafe, iFilm, Dailymotion, and other video sites;

DownThemAll-This extension is a download manager that features an advanced accelerator that increases speed up to 400% and allows users to pause and resume downloads at any time;

MacFox-Lets PC users experience the look of Mac OS X. This extension includes Aqua-style UI elements and enhancements.

A Guide To Buying A Digital Camera Equipment

How to Buy Digital Camera Equipment

There are so many digital cameras that it can be confusing trying to buy digital camera equipment. Here are some tips to help you decide which the best choice is for you and buy digital camera equipment that you will get the best results with:

• The first step before you buy digital camera equipment is to set a basic budget on how much money you want to spend. You do need to be realistic about the fact you won't be able to get the best of every feature, as you may have to make tradeoffs when you actually buy digital camera equipment.

• Your experience level has to have a big influence in your decision to buy digital camera equipment. There is no point in buying too much buy digital camera equipment than you can actually use. For a novice you should buy digital camera equipment that is point and shoot so that you don't have to worry about manually changing any settings. Digital zoom is not as important a part in the process of choosing to buy digital camera equipment as you may first think. Basically it just means that the camera crops the picture and gives you the center piece of it. You do not need to buy digital camera equipment that does this as you can do it better yourself after you take the picture. You can usually move closer to the subject anyway and to buy digital camera equipment that includes an optical zoom can add a lot of unnecessary cost and weight to the camera. Of course, expert photographers will want to buy digital camera equipment that gives them more manual control over the exposure process.

• Next you need to consider what you will use your camera to capture before you set out to buy digital camera equipment. A fast shutter speed is necessary for moving subjects. You can also buy digital camera equipment that has special features to enable you to take multiple pictures in quick succession for high-action pictures.

• There are a number of helpful websites that give reviews on photographic products to help you decide on the best camera for your needs before you buy digital camera equipment. Of course, you can also ask friends and family about their digital camera choices. Price comparison websites are also essential to help you to buy digital camera equipment at the best possible prices. Remember that when you buy digital camera equipment there are often a list of extras that you may want to purchase, including batteries and memory cards.

Don't be tempted to go for a trendy-looking, colorful camera if you really want to buy a less cool looking one that does more of what you want. Make sure that you have got as many of the features that you wanted to have in the first place and haven't compromised too much on them for the sake of a few extra dollars. It is important to ensure that you buy digital camera equipment that you are happy with and enables you to take the photographs that you want. 

Dream Chronicles Full Version

Welcome to the Dream Chronicles, where the lines between reality and fantasy fade away. Follow subtle clues to help Faye find her missing husband and escape from the mysterious sleeping spell that has taken over the town of Wish! Stay sharp and focused and you just may unravel.

I will upload and give u all the link for download Dream Chronicles Full Version as soon as possible !!
Be patient guys ^-^

Download : Dream Chronicles Full Version (Mediafire)

Pee Wee Gaskins - On A Day Like This

This is a lyric of the song On A Day Like This by Pee Wee Gaskins.
enjooyysss ~

I remember how the first time I laid my eyes on you
It was on a day just like this
You were wearing your black dress
Can I call you tonight ?
Can we talk for a while ?
I'm sick of living in black and white

I'm getting ready for my sanctuary
I'm feeling unsteady
I'm getting ready for my sanctuary
So hear me say

Something better is coming up
It caught my eyes
Something brighter is coming up
It hurt my eyes

I remember how the first time I laid my eyes on you
It was on a day just like this
I was wearing my black dress
The moment was golden when the days getting colder
So hear me say ...

I'm getting ready for my sanctuary
I'm feeling unsteady
I'm getting ready for my sanctuary
So hear me say ...

Something better is coming up
It caught my eyes
Something brighter is coming up
It hurt my eyes

I've been trying a thousand times
To let you know
To let you go
But the phone is dead
I can't reach you

What are Proxy sites

Proxy sites enable the individual to access websites and servers through another server to keep the location and identity of the individual unknown. This helps to limit the amount of spam, cookies, and other information from being gleaned or placed on the computer. This in turn helps to keep the computer running fast and efficiently.
Cookies and other computer identification software that is placed on the computer by websites can drastically slow down the computer. These cookies and other identification softwares help to identify a computer upon reentry into the website so that items that the website thinks you want will be available. The computer can also "catch" a virus from such softwares because of the software's ability to be corrupted or otherwise altered. This is one of the major reasons that people use proxy sites.
In addition to the protection from cookies, proxy sites stop the gleaning of information from the computer through the website. This gleaning is often just information regarding what other websites that one is viewing, but can be much more invasive. The possibility of hackers and other individuals who might be using the gleaned information to steal one's identity or bank accounts is greatly reduced by using a proxy site.
These proxy sites can either be true internet sites that assist one in viewing additional websites while keeping the computer safe, or they can be servers that protect the computer. Proxy sites that are true websites tend to provide secured lines of communication between the website and the computer. This helps to defray any lost or gleaned information from the computer and limits the cookies that may be placed on the computer.
Servers that are used as proxy sites are often in addition to the server that allows for the computer to access a website. This server acts a surrogate computer and takes all of the cookies, spy ware, and other computer harming components for it to be trashed and destroyed before damage can be done. This server could be part of the computer itself, or it could be part of the ISP server units. Either way, proxy sites can be extremely useful and helpful for all those who use them.

How I Selected The Best Notebook Computer For Intensive Number Crunching And Stock Market Analysis

Having used a desktop computers and notebook computers that had been officially supplied by the company where I was employed, there was no need to worry about what type of notebook computer or whatever configuration that was required in my work.

So when I finally had to purchase my own notebook computer for personal private use, I found myself facing a myraid of questions. Just what should I look out for when buying my own notebook computer?

First, I found I had to quantify my own needs for a notebook computer. Having quantified my needs, which was to do a lot of number crunching and to perform technical analysis and charting of stock prices online, I found that even low priced models could perform work that was demanded by my needs.

I was pleasantly surprised that my needs did not demand a high priced model.

Secondly, the notebook computer I required would need to be sufficiently light. In the process of identifying the notebook computer, I decided I did not need a subnotebook, as most notebook computers weigh between 5 to 7 kg, with a subnotebook weighing at 5 kg or less.

The standard notebook computer was sufficient for my needs coming with some wordprocessing software that was already installed as part of the package that comes with the computer and with Internet access capabilities. All I need was to install my specialized technical analysis program to monitor the stock prices

At the same time, advances in notebook computer technology ensured that I had wireless technology and can hook up online at any hotspot outlet. This would allow me to have mobile wireless access anywhere I go. I could also use a pen drivefor additional mobile storage.

Finally, I also decided that I really do not need to use the provided upgrade functionality for the notebook, perferring to use the notebook for a period of two years at most. This was because I discovered parts and accessories were expensive, and going the way of upgrades to be expensive. Changing to a new model completely after two years appear to be a better proposition in terms of more power, functionality and cost savings.

Having made these decisions, the next step was to go online for a price comparison. Shopping online allowed me the convenience of researching each one of the notebook computer that caught my attention, without feeling pressured to make a quick decision.

There were some sites that allowed the added convenience of comparing different models side by side, and doing so was very useful in helping me to make my final decision on the notebook computer.

If you are faced with the task of purchasing your own notebook computer, the considerations which I have mentioned above will help you in your initial selection in making a wise decision.

Microsoft Word repair tool

Recovery Toolbox for Word is a program for Word file repair, it helps to repair docx files, if it was not possible to prevent data corruption. Many users regularly see error messages, when opening *.doc files. Stay calm, when Word unable to read file, we will be glad to suggest a solution. Recovery Toolbox, Inc. suggest trying Word file repair tools, that can be found on our website, just click on "Download" and save the installation file of Recovery Toolbox for Word to your hard disk.

Recovery Toolbox for Word features easy system requirements, this program will work on all PC's and with all supported versions of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Word. Word repair tools are easy to use, we believe, that instructions will not be needed in your case. However, we are always ready to respond all request within a reasonable time. Feel free to forward us your opinion with regard to Microsoft Word repair tool and other programs to repair docx file.

All users can preview the data, when repair Word file and make sure, that the money will not be paid for nothing. The service of repair docx works, it requires minimal user intervention, so, the process of data recovery can be done even for beginners. You have a great chance to test this data recovery service for free, demo version is distributed without restrictions. Just do not forget to let us know your opinion about Recovery Toolbox for Word, we need it to improve existing services. Please register your copy of Recovery Toolbox for Word to remove all restrictions.

Product page: http://www.recoverytoolbox.com/repair_word.html

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Buy page: http://www.recoverytoolbox.com/buy_word.html

Article Writing -- Your Key to Success

Have you wasted valuable time and money trying to promote your online business? If you've spent hard-earned cash buying ads on ezines or on websites, you may have been disappointed with the results.

There's a better way to advertise your business or website!

Article writing is for you if you want great benefits that don't cost anything.

By submitting quality articles you'll get lots of exposure and publicity -- without a financial investment! You've probably realized by now that the internet is about information, so content brings visitors to your site. That's a no-brainer!

Consider the possibilities of regularly writing for the internet.

Your work may be seen by millions. Articles written today can quickly appear on over 100 websites.

Search engines are constantly looking for new content to feed content-hungry readers. Why not yours?

By keeping your work before the public, your website will keep getting new visitors who become buyers. As your words are spread all over the internet, your targeted traffic will increase. That's how to reach lots of qualified buyers. Previous customers will be motivated to become repeat buyers.

By writing regularly, you can reach affiliates or joint venture partners who can help your sales' potential.

Your articles can be permanently displayed on the internet.

Your reputation can spread all over the internet and beyond. Think of the reach just one article can have!

Your influence could span the globe!

What you've written can show up in the most surprising places.

1. Your words may wind up on on a number of publishers' home pages.

2. You could get featured in a large ezine with thousands of subscribers.

3. Your work could be published in a book or in magazines.

4. An author may ask to use one or more of your articles in an e-book and you'll be credited.

5. You may get discovered and earn extra income through speaking engagements.

6. You may be given the opportunity to speak on radio shows.

7. You may even be interviewed for national newspapers.

You may not have to wait long before seeing amazing results.

As you submit your work to ezines and article directories, keep in mind that top-ranking sites are crawled by Google more often than other sites. When these sites publish your writing, you'll soon see results.

With each article you submit, your reputation will grow. After you've submitted twenty or so, you may become a household name -- at no charge to you!

An author's works are often kept permanently on websites, so one keyword-rich article can bring thousands of hits for years to come.

Articles not only build your reputation, but are the best way to raise your search engine ranking.

Reciprocal linking is viewed as less important to Google than one-way linking. If numerous sites point to your website without you linking back, Google rewards you with a higher rank.

You get back links automatically by submitting articles and you don't even have to bother with link exchanges to increase rankings. You also don't have to worry about Google's ever-changing algorithm changes that can dump your website several pages down in one day.

Your published works prove you're an expert -- at least in the eyes of readers who view you as knowledgeable. You also establish credibility and trust. Your words can create your own brand for your website and business.

The written word has clout, so you can clinch your point.
Writing brings personal satisfaction.

There's a great sense of accomplishment from sharing your expertise with the online community.

Real people are sitting behind computers in their homes or offices reading what you've written. Through the right words you can build rapport with them.

You'll probably get emails from time to time telling how something you wrote helped someone. And that's satisfying!

So there you have it --

Writing articles can open surprising doors to success! 

The Notebook (DVD) Review

Adapted to screen from the Nicholas Sparks novel of the same name, The Notebook is one of the best romantic dramas to hit the big screen in decades. Garnering high marks from a wide-range of critics, The Notebook is a funny and emotional film which deals with love, relationships, and the risks people take. James Garner turns in a notable performance as the elder man, Duke, who reads the pages of his notebook to dying nursing home resident Allie (Gena Rowlands). Overall, this is a classic "chick flick" with a dramatic twist. Set in the World War II era, The Notebook is a great film…

Duke (James Garner) regularly reads from the pages of a notebook to an older woman in a nursing home. Suffering from Alzheimer's disease, her memories of the parts which he's read in the past appears and disappears without order, but Duke continues to read to her because of their deep and enduring friendship.

The notebook's story centers around the lives of a teenage boy and girl who meet at a carnival in the late-1930s. At first, Allie Hamilton doesn't know what to think of Noah Calhoun, but she soon gives into his insistence that they go out on a date. When Noah and Allie fall deeply in love, Allie's parents try to break up the couple. The Hamiltons are rich, and Noah and his father are from the poor side of town. Nevertheless, Allie and Noah are determined to be together.

When World War II breaks out, Noah is sent into conflict. He writes numerous letters to his love, but they go unanswered because Allie's parents are hiding the letters as well as her replies to Noah. After several years apart, Allie becomes engaged to successful businessman. But after reading a newspaper article concerning Noah's restoration of a historic home he once promised her, she decides to go visit him.

Allie's visit with Noah turns both their worlds upside down when they learn the truth about the letters. Now, Allie must choose between the fiancée she truly loves and the man who is her real true love…

Actor Ryan Gosling is entertaining and likeable in his portrayal of the young and energetic Noah Calhoun. The Notebook as a film is better served by featuring his superb talents. Likewise, up-and-coming actress Rachel McAdams is brilliant in her role as Allie. The emotions of her young romance are clearly conveyed by a natural and instinctive penchant for delivering her lines in just the right way. Call it onscreen charisma or whatever, but McAdams is one to look out for in the future.

In short, The Notebook is as good a film as it is as a book. Few books translate onto the big screen as well as they read in print, so The Notebook is to be heralded for its ability to do so. Charming and easy to like, the film glorifies the romance of a young couple who find true love - a love that lasts forever. Well-produced and featuring some amazing shots of natural locations, The Notebook ranks as a definite must-see film. Do yourself a favor and go see it today… 

What's A Pen Drive?

A Pen Drive is a removable storage device that plugs into a computer's USB port. Small enough to carry on a key ring, Pen Drives are great for transferring photos, music, documents and any other data from one computer to another. Different manufacturers over the years have named their Pen Drives with many different names causing constant confusion.
As a result of this the Pen Drive can also be known as Pocket Drive, Thumb Drive, Jump Drive, USB Flash Drive, USB Flash Memory Drive, USB Key Drive, USB Memory Key and USB Memory Stick among many others!

Although none of these names are either correct or incorrect, one of the names cause a huge amount of confusion for people, this is when someone referring to a Pen Drive, uses the term "Memory Stick". This is because "Memory Stick" is a Sony trademark and refers to a type of memory card used in Sony's electronic devices, it is therefore a completely different product, which will not plug directly into your computer's USB port!

Pen Drives were invented by IBM in 1988 as a replacement to Floppy Disks but were never patented by them, M-Systems who were later contracted in by IBM to manufacture Pen Drives actually own the patent. So think of a Pen Drive as a modern day floppy disk. The main difference being that a floppy disk contains moving parts which can make the data stored on it vulnerable, a Pen Drive is solid state meaning there are no moving parts inside, making it resilient to dust and everyday magnetic fields and so a safer storage option. Also Pen Drives can hold much, much more data than the floppy disk.

Once connected to a computer's USB port the Pen Drive appears in Windows as a "Removable Drive" alongside your C Drive, CD ROM Drive etc. You can simply drag and drop photos, music, documents and any other type of data on to the "Removable Drive" just as would with any other folder on your computer (no complex recording like CD or DVD is required). The Pen Drive can then be removed (see Safe Removal of Pen Drive below) from the computer and plugged into another computer's USB port giving you access to the information you copied to the Pen Drive.

The compact size, robust nature and low cost of the Pen Drive has made it a big hit and an indispensible tool for many. It is ideal for transporting personal, or work data from one location to another, i.e. from home to school or office, or for carrying around data that someone may want to access in a variety of places. An insurance company in the US loads customer bio data and policy details on a tiny Pen Drive and advises policy holders to wear it with a neck strap in case of emergencies, another company is doing the same with policy holders who go Sking. Another company videos their conference and records it onto the Pen Drive so that the delegates can refer to it in future. Pen Drives can also be used to back up your important documents.

If you would like to know more about Pen Drives please visit our website or call us on 0845 257 2088 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri) and we will do our best to assist you. Mouse2House.co.uk supply thousands of Pen Drives to Schools, Hospitals, Businesses, Government agencies and of course private individuals. We are also able to personalise Pen Drives with logos and messages for commercial or fund raising events, minimum order quantity applies to the logo service.

The Simpsons (Season 3) DVD Review

In the late-1980s, a one-minute segment on The Tracy Ullman Show (since long forgotten, except in trivia questions) morphed into its own series. That series was The Simpsons, and it became an anchor for the then-burgeoning FOX network. With a wildly original cast of oddball characters, The Simpsons instantly struck a chord with audiences, becoming the longest running prime time show among all genres, not just the animation genre. Loved by audiences from age 2 to 102, the show is not only hilarious, but in all likelihood, one of the best satires of modern day American life.

The Simpsons (Season 3) DVD offers a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere in which Homer's co-workers have him committed after they mistake him for a mental patient. While in the New Bedlam Home for the Emotionally Interesting, Homer meets a tall, stocky white man who claims to be Michael Jackson. The Simpsons befriend the man who eventually admits to being bricklayer Leon Kompowsky... Other notable episodes include "When Flanders Failed" in which Ned Flanders opens a store at the local mall called the "Leftorium" (catering only to left-handed customers) and "Lisa's Pony" in which Lisa's overwhelming desire to have her own Pony nearly drives Homer to an early death as he works 24-hours-a-day to afford the expensive pet…

How To Learn When To Say "No!"

Let's face it! Many people just seem to have great difficulty in saying "no" or denying any favor asked from them. As a result, they often find themselves trapped in the middle of nowhere because of their own hastened decision or acceptance of an unfavorable task - just because at one particular point in their life, they were afraid to say "no."

For those who are constantly faced with this problem, the following tips will prove to be useful.

1. Do not occupy yourself with things that do not concern you.

If you habitually engage in something you hardly know anything about, you are making your situation far worse than the one who does nothing at all. On the other hand, some people seem to get satisfaction by intervening in other people's business. Always be alert and possess utmost care to ensure that no one meddles in your own affairs. Good moderation in all areas of life will be helpful in the end.

2. Decide first whether a task is worth your precious time.

Just a simple thought: If it will just eat your time away from the more important things you consider in your life, then it's not worth your time. Period.

3. Avoid incurring obligations beyond your capacity.

Instead, nurture your skills and abilities for the time being. There will come a right time for you to step up; and when that perfect moment arrives, waste no opportunity. But as long as you are not sure of the outcome, say "no" for the meantime especially if the favor will just derail your strategy.

4. It is always harder to come out well from an incurred undesirable obligation than to avoid the embarrassing situation of not committing yourself from the very start.

It is a judgment test for anyone. Ask this question to yourself, "Do I want to avoid them or conquer them?

5. If you have to think, take a break and take your time.

Matters that can cause an adverse change in your life require a lot of thinking. There are times when people act on first impulse, on what they feel and think at that very instant. Certainly, this is not always the case.

Although less commonly known to people, acquiring tasks (no matter how simple they may seem) is synonymous to putting your honor at stake once you allow yourself to be involved. Be sure that when you put your name and honor on the line, everything will end up well.

It takes as much courage for a person to earn a responsibility as to deny it. Whatever you decide on, always keep in mind that there is nothing wrong in saying "no." When in doubt, it may even be the best thing to do.

Tutorial Action Script Sederhana

Oke dalam postingan kali ini saya menulis tentang salah satu cara membuat animasi menggunakan action script sederhana guna memenuhi salah satu tugas besar mata kuliah pengatar multimedia.
Tutorial ini saya dapat dengan bertanya ke si mbah google :D, terus klo yg belum punya aplikasi macromedia flash 8 nya, anda" sekalian bisa donglod disini !
Oke tanpa panjang lebar lg kita mulai tutorialnya !!!

 1. Buat dua buah lingkaran kemudian masing-masing di ubah ke dalam bentuk movie clip. Caranya: Klik kanan objek lingkaran > Convert to Symbol... > Beri nama sesuai keinginan anda, Type: Movie Clip > OK.

2. Beri instance name pada masing-masing lingkaran. Lingkaran yang diam beri instance name: "center" (tanpa tanda kutip), sedangkan lingkaran yang bergerak beri instance name "bob"(tanpa tanda kutip). Caranya: Klik movie vlip lingkaran > Buka penel Properties > Cari kotak instance name > isikan nama instance name.

instance namememberi instance name

 3. Memberi actions script pada movie clip lingkaran yang akan bergerak mengelilingi lingkaran yang satunya. Atau tepatnya pada lingkaran dengan instance name 'bob'. Caranya: Klik kanan lingkaran dengan instance name "bob" > Actions > Masukkan action script berikut.

xDistance=Math.sin(angle * Math.PI/180)*mainDistance
yDistance=Math.cos(angle * Math.PI/180)*mainDistance

4. Simpan dan jalankan animasi [CTRL + ENTER]

lalu hasil jadinya akan jadi seperti ini nih !

jadi lingkaran yg hijau jd porosnya, lalu lingkaran yg biru berputar disisi luar lingkaran hijau searah dgn jarum jam

nah kalo yg msh pnasaran donglod donglod aja hasil jadinya dengan mengklik disini !
oke deh cukup sekian dulu postingan saya kali ini, smoga bisa memenuhi tugas besar multimedia dan bisa memuaskan dosen mata kuliah ini hhehehehe....

see u next in the next post !
have a good days guys !