awalnya sih mungkin gara-gara maen game yg bertemakan cinta lalu entah kenapa kepikiran aja buat yg kyk beginian :p
setelah agak bingung nentuin judulnya dan berhubung gue bukan org yang bisa membuat judul yg bagus jd dengan sangat terpaksa gue beri judul yg seadanya : Reminiscence
inti puisinya menceritakan tentang seseorang yang teringatkan tentang masa lalunya yg takkan pernah bisa terulang kembali, yaudah deh skrg saatnya kalian membaca dan meresapi setiap baitnya guys !!
Your gentle touch...
the warmth of your embrace.
the passion of your kiss.
the precious times that felt ever so divine.
i thought that they never would leave.
even though i can't reach you anymore.
i can't open my eyes to find you there.
i'll always have my memories.
though they are not as warm as the hands.
that always made me feel so safe.
i know they will never disappear.
as you now have.
my beloved...
my heart forever yours.
even if you're lost beyond where my trembling voice can reach you.
even your memories fade.
or disappear into the darkness.
i'll never forget the precious times.
when we faced world together.
my beloved...
for today, for tomorrow.
for the day that may never return.
i'll never forget the words we once exchanged.
"I Love You..."
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